Century - Thornweaver Premium Pack

Century - Thornweaver Premium Pack

PlaywingAzione e avventuraArena per combattimenti online multiplayerSparatutto
49,99 €
Richiede un gioco
Richiede un gioco
Contenuto rivolto a persone di almeno 12 anni
Violenza moderata

Acquisti in-game (include elementi casuali)

Questo contenuto richiede un gioco (venduto separatamente).


Unlock the “Thornweaver” rider class with its new dragon species, and summon the elder forces of Nature against your enemies on the battlefield. The Thornweaver Premium Pack also includes two extra dragons for your new rider class as well as legendary gear, themed customisations, a hefty XP bonus and extra gems! Full content of this pack: - Thornweaver Class - 2 Epic Dragons (Thornweaver) - Legendary Weapon (Thornweaver) - Legendary Helmet (Thornweaver) - Themed Wallpaper - Themed Player Icon - 30 Days Bonus XP - 1000 Gems

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  • PC
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S