Candle Man

Candle Man

E-Home Development Entertainment Ltd., Co.Azione e avventuraA piattaforme

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Candle Man is an action adventure game with unique story and gameplay. You play as Candle man, a little candle with the ability to burn for only 10 seconds. The brevity of this ability is the only resource the Candle man could use against the challenges and obstacles in the dark shadows. The game provides vast environments to explore, and allows players to experience an unsettling but intriguing adventure. Along with the journey, the story tries to reflect some very distinctive daily issues which connect us all.

Pubblicato da

E-Home Development Entertainment Ltd., Co.

Sviluppato da

Spotlightor Interactive

Confronta edizioni

  1. Pacchetto di giochi Uomo Esausto e Candleman

    Pacchetto di giochi Uomo Esausto e Candleman

    23,49 €+
    sottotitoli non disponibili

    Pacchetto di giochi Uomo Esausto e Candleman

    23,49 €+

    Giochi inclusi

    Candle ManUomo CandelaUomo Esausto

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