Killing Time: Resurrected

Killing Time: Resurrected

Nightdive Studios, Ziggurat InteractiveLövöldözősAkció és kalandFejtörők és műveltségi játékokKlasszikusok
8 700,00 HUF
Xbox Series X|S modellekre optimalizálva
Xbox Series X|S modellekre optimalizálva
Intelligens kézbesítés
Intelligens kézbesítés
5 támogatott nyelv
Xbox Series X|S modellekre optimalizálva
Xbox Series X|S modellekre optimalizálva
Intelligens kézbesítés
Intelligens kézbesítés
5 támogatott nyelv
16 éves kortól
Durva erőszak


Welcome To The Conway Estate! Nightdive Studios and Ziggurat Interactive have teamed up to bring back this sophisticated shooter laced with gallows humor and visual violence to bestow mayhem to all! Puzzle solving and strategic thinking are placed at a premium. The visceral violence is complemented by paranormal graphics and a super(natural) storyline. Set in the early 1930s, Killing Time: Resurrected casts you as a student, studying the cryptic world of Egyptology, who finds themselves trapped in the estate of wealthy heiress Tess Conway. A ritual to bestow eternal life conducted by Ms. Conway backfires and her high-society friends vanish without a trace. It’s up to you to find and destroy the mystical Egyptian Water-Clock to undo its curse and face a legion of super(natural) horrors. The remastered edition of Killing Time: Resurrected features toggleable high-resolution character artwork/sprites from the original 3DO and PC versions of the game, upscaled environmental texturing, smoother gameplay, more responsive controls, and expanded control and key-bind settings.


Nightdive Studios, Ziggurat Interactive


Nightdive Studios, 3DO

Kiadás dátuma

2024. 10. 18.

Játék vele:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • 4K Ultra HD
  • Egyrésztvevős
  • 60 fps+
  • 120 fps
  • Az Xbox Series X|S konzolra optimalizálva
  • Intelligens kézbesítés
  • Konzol, billentyűzet és egér
  • Xbox-eredmények
  • Xbox-jelenlét
  • Xbox – mentés a felhőben