Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Game Pass

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

Ninja Theory Ltd.Akció és kaland
9 000,00 HUF
5 akadálymentességi funkció
21 támogatott nyelv
5 akadálymentességi funkció
21 támogatott nyelv
18 éves kortól
Helytelen nyelvezet, Erőszak


From the makers of Heavenly Sword, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, and DmC: Devil May Cry, comes a warrior’s brutal journey into myth and madness. Set in the Viking age, a broken Celtic warrior embarks on a haunting vision quest into Viking Hell to fight for the soul of her dead lover. Created in collaboration with neuroscientists and people who experience psychosis, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice will pull you deep into Senua’s mind. Accessibility Features: GAMEPLAY - Accessibility options available on launch within the first-boot options menu. - Adjustable combat difficulty between dynamically-adjusted 'Auto' mode, or manually-selected 'Easy', 'Medium', or 'Hard' modes. - Game can be paused both during gameplay and cinematics. AUDIO - Custom volume controls can be adjusted for Master, Music, SFX, Voices, and Menu audio. - Audio output can be adjusted between Stereo and Mono sound modes. VISUAL - Color blind modes, and correction intensities can be adjusted for the included Deuteranopia, Protanopia, and Tritanopia filters. - Subtitles for spoken content can be set to On or Off. - Subtitle text size can be adjusted between 'Standard' or 'Large'. - Subtitle text color can be adjusted between White, Orange, Green, or Blue. - Subtitle backgrounds can be adjusted between Transparent or 'Solid' black. - Text contrast for menu backgrounds can be adjusted between 'Half-Transparent' or 'Solid' black. INPUT - Adjustable input sensitivity for controller joystick and mouse axes, and ability to invert camera axis. - Input remapping for keyboard keys and controller buttons (camera control and menu navigation keys excluded). - Full keyboard support allowing the game to be entirely played with a keyboard (arrow keys replace mouse/right stick movement). - Controller vibration can be set to On or Off. - Running modifier can be set to be activated on key/button Toggle or Hold. Note that the listed accessibility options apply to the Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Enhanced on PC version of the game.


Ninja Theory Ltd.


Ninja Theory Ltd

Kiadás dátuma

2018. 04. 10.

Játék vele:

  • PC


  • Egyrésztvevős
  • Xbox-eredmények
  • Xbox-jelenlét

Kiadások összehasonlítása

  1. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
    Game PassEZ A KIADÁS

    Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

    tartalmazzaGame Pass
    nincs elérhető felirat
    Game Pass

    Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

    tartalmazzaGame Pass

  2. A Hellblade-csomag

    A Hellblade-csomag

    22 800,00 HUF
    nincs elérhető felirat

    A Hellblade-csomag

    22 800,00 HUF

    Belefoglalt játékok

    Hellblade: Senua's SacrificeSenua's Saga: Hellblade IIHellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

A következő tartalmazza:

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