Tachyon Project

Tachyon Project

Eclipse Gamesיריותמשפחה וילדיםקלאסי
Xbox Play Anywhere
Xbox Play Anywhere
לגילאי 7 ומעלה


Tachyon Project is an action packed dual-stick shooter driven by a story. Through the story mode you'll progressively unlock all the weapons, secondary weapons and perks available to configure your ship. You'll need them to face the increasingly hard enemies you'll find with over 30 different types (including 4 bosses). In Tachyon Project you take control of Ada, a software program that has taken conscience and that was designed to hack into the most secure servers on Earth. After some rather misterious events, Ada is thrown out of the test server where it was living and out into the Internet, but when she tries to go back there she finds she's unable to. She'll then start a journey to uncover the truth behind what happened to her creators, which she considers her parents. In the process she'll find out that things were a bit more complex than she initially thought.

פורסם על-ידי

Eclipse Games

פותח על-ידי

Eclipse Games

תאריך הפצה


ניתן למשחק ב-

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • ריבוי שחקנים מקומי של Xbox (2-4)
  • מסך משותף/מפוצל
  • הישגים של Xbox
  • Xbox Play Anywhere

השווה מהדורות

  1. Tachyon Project
    מהדורה זו

    Tachyon Project

    אין כיתוב זמין

    Tachyon Project

    מהדורה זו

  2. Fast Paced Action Bundle

    Fast Paced Action Bundle

    אין כיתוב זמין

    Fast Paced Action Bundle

    משחקים כלולים

    Super Toy CarsTachyon Project
    עבור אל המשחק