Phoenix Point: Complete Edition
Snapshot Games Inc•קלאסי
+ מציע רכישות בתוך האפליקציה.
Phoenix Point: Complete Edition, the acclaimed strategy game from the creator of X-COM, is now assembled into the ultimate collection, including all released DLCs, content updates, and product improvements over four years of development. The Earth has been overrun. A mutating, alien menace threatens the last remnant of mankind. Only the Phoenix Project, a secret organization of the best minds and bravest soldiers left on earth, can repel the invasion and reverse the inevitable. The Phoenix Project looks to you for leadership. Research and develop new technologies, explore a ravaged globe, build your bases, manage resources, and dominate the battlefield.
פורסם על-ידי
Snapshot Games Inc
פותח על-ידי
Snapshot Games Inc
תאריך הפצה
שחק עם
- PC
- שחקן יחיד
- מקלדת משחקי מחשב
- הישגים של Xbox
- שמירות בענן של Xbox
Phoenix Point: Behemoth Edition
₪113.00+Phoenix Point: Behemoth Edition
₪113.00+עבור אל המשחקמשחקים כלולים
Phoenix Pointהרחבות כלולות
Living Weapons PackDLC 1 (Blood and Titanium)DLC 2 (Legacy of the Ancients)DLC 3 (Festering Skies)DLC 4 (Corrupted Horizons)- מהדורה זו
Phoenix Point: Complete Edition
₪113.00+Phoenix Point: Complete Edition
₪113.00+מהדורה זומשחקים כלולים
Phoenix Pointהרחבות כלולות
Living Weapons PackDLC 1 (Blood and Titanium)DLC 2 (Legacy of the Ancients)DLC 3 (Festering Skies)DLC 4 (Corrupted Horizons)DLC 5 (Kaos Engines)