Chop is Dish

Chop is Dish

Victory RoadLogħob fuq pjattaforma
Għall-etajiet minn 7 snin 'il fuq
Vjolenza Mansa


The game includes exclusive prologue chapter "Stolen Pork Story" never released on any other platforms! «Chop is Dish» tells the story of one cook who was robbed by some mystical creatures. Some strange monsters had suddenly appeared in his forest and stole his master chef's chunk of beef. Our cook needed this meat for his ultimate dish, and now it's gone — he has to act quickly and dangerously by pursuing the thieves and recovering his grand ingredient. The main feature is the protagonist — grumpy cook who would love to beat the sauce outta his enemies. Fans of oldschool pixelart games would be pleasantly surprised by this one, instantly feeling like home.

Published by

Victory Road

Developed by



  • Plejer waħdieni
  • Xbox kisbiet
  • Xbox isejvja fuq cloud