Willy's Wonderland - The Game
QUByte Interactive•Toiminta ja seikkailu•Kamppailupelit
4,99 €
Willy’s Wonderland – The Game is a 2.5D beat ‘em up game based on the cult film of the same name, in which a group of Animatronics come to life and slaughter people who dare visit Willy’s Wonderland. Players take control of either The Janitor or Liv as they face the hordes of evil commanded by the nefarious Animatronics - Tito Turtle, Siren Sara, Arty Alligator, Cammy Chameleon, Willy Weasel and more! Try different combinations of punches and kicks to perform different combos and make use of special techniques and powerful abilities to get rid of Willy and his henchmen.
QUByte Interactive
QUByte Interactive
Pelaa käyttäen:
- Xbox One
- Xbox Series X|S
- Paikallinen Xbox -yhteistyöpeli (2-2)
- Yksi pelaaja
- Jaettu näyttö
- Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S:lle
- Älykäs toimitus
- Xbox -saavutukset
- Xbox -pilvitallennukset