We Were Here

We Were Here

Total Mayhem GamesToiminta ja seikkailuMuuOngelmanratkaisu- ja tietopelit
1,99 €
2 helppokäyttötoimintojen ominaisuutta
1 tuettua kieltä
2 helppokäyttötoimintojen ominaisuutta
1 tuettua kieltä
Yli 7-vuotiaille
Epäsuoraa väkivaltaa, Lievä väkivalta, Pelkoa

Käyttäjät ovat vuorovaikutuksessa

Pelin pelaaminen konsolissa edellyttää verkkomoninpelitilausta (Game Pass Core tai Ultimate, myydään erikseen).


Lost in a frozen wasteland and split up from your partner inside an abandoned castle, the only possession you have left is a walkie-talkie with a familiar voice on the other end. Can the two of you find your way out in time? We Were Here is the pilot episode in a series of cooperative standalone puzzle adventures. Two players are trapped inside an abandoned castle, with Player One confined to a small secluded part of the castle as Player Two roams the halls trying to find Player One. Every room challenges your wits and ability to communicate clearly, using only your voice. Are you ready to find out how well you and your friends work together? If you like living on the edge, try playing it with a complete stranger! VideoChums said: "...if you want something truly innovative, play this." PLAY MORE WE WERE HERE GAMES! Have you played every game in the series? We Were Here, We Were Here Too, We Were Here Together, We Were Here Forever, & We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShip!


Total Mayhem Games


Total Mayhem Games



Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Yhteispeli verkossa (2-2)
  • Xbox -saavutukset
  • Xbox -tilatiedot
  • Xbox -pilvitallennukset

Vertaile versioita

  1. We Were Here

    We Were Here

    1,99 €
    kuvaus ei ole käytettävissä

    We Were Here

    1,99 €

  2. We Were Here Series Bundle

    We Were Here Series Bundle

    34,99 €
    kuvaus ei ole käytettävissä

    We Were Here Series Bundle

    34,99 €

    Sisältää pelit

    We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShipWe Were Here ForeverWe Were Here TogetherWe Were Here TooWe Were Here