We Were Here Too

We Were Here Too

Total Mayhem GamesToiminta ja seikkailuMuuOngelmanratkaisu- ja tietopelit
1,99 €
Alennuksessa: säästä 8,00 €, päättyy 7 päivän kuluttua
2 helppokäyttötoimintojen ominaisuutta
11 tuettua kieltä
*myyty hintaan 9,99 € viimeisten 30 päivän aikana
Alennuksessa: säästä 8,00 €, päättyy 7 päivän kuluttua
2 helppokäyttötoimintojen ominaisuutta
11 tuettua kieltä
Yli 3-vuotiaille

Käyttäjät ovat vuorovaikutuksessa

Pelin pelaaminen konsolissa edellyttää verkkomoninpelitilausta (Game Pass Core tai Ultimate, myydään erikseen).


We Were Here Too is an online first-person cooperative adventure set in a fictional medieval castle. A new standalone entry in the We Were Here series, We Were Here Too is all about cooperative discovery, immersion and teamwork through communication. You and a partner must solve puzzles through smart communication and observation. Trapped in different parts of an ancient castle, only your walkie-talkies will allow you to figure out how to escape. As your final hour approaches, a large structure looms up in the distance - towering above the relentless storm. With nowhere else to go, you decide to enter this mysterious place, only to find yourself trapped inside… Will you be able to find a way out? Cooperative – Your voice will have to lead the way. Placed in the shoes of explorers with only walkie-talkies in hand, you are lost in a castle frozen in time. Immersive – The warmth of life abandoned the halls of Castle Rock long ago Immerse yourself in a thrilling experience as you and your partner puzzle your way through this abandoned fortress. Lose yourself in brand new environments and an original soundtrack. Mysterious – We were not alone... Darkness took over these once magnificent halls. Can you discover the truth behind the grim fate of Castle Rock? Xbox Tavern said: “Total Mayhem Games have made a beautiful, intricate and definitely more difficult game with this sequel.” PLAY MORE WE WERE HERE GAMES! If you enjoy We Were Here Too, don’t forget to check out the other games: We Were Here, We Were Here Together, and coming soon… We Were Here Forever!


Total Mayhem Games


Total Mayhem Games



Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Yhteispeli verkossa (2-2)
  • Xbox -saavutukset
  • Xbox -pilvitallennukset

Vertaile versioita

  1. We Were Here Too

    We Were Here Too

    1,99 €
    kuvaus ei ole käytettävissä

    We Were Here Too

    1,99 €

  2. We Were Here Series Bundle

    We Were Here Series Bundle

    34,99 €
    kuvaus ei ole käytettävissä

    We Were Here Series Bundle

    34,99 €

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    We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShipWe Were Here ForeverWe Were Here TogetherWe Were Here TooWe Were Here