Trinity Fusion Deluxe Add-Ons

Trinity Fusion Deluxe Add-Ons

Angry Mob GamesTasohyppelyToiminta ja seikkailuKamppailupelitRoolipelit
9,99 €
Edellyttää peliä
Edellyttää peliä
Yli 16-vuotiaille
Voimakasta väkivaltaa

Tämä sisältö vaatii pelin (myydään erikseen).


Trinity Fusion’s Deluxe Bonuses enhance the base game with additional features and gameplay modes to give new and veteran players more ways to explore the Multiverse, including: - Exclusive Spectral Scanner Start the game equipped with a special scanning device that highlights nearby secrets when activated. - Unlock all 3 Characters from the start An alternate start to the game's story that unlocks all three of your parallel selves immediately. - Boss Rush Mode Get access to the Boss Rush mode early, without having to face each of the bosses beforehand. - Endless Mode A looping run that never ends. How many laps through the multiverse can you survive? Fight until you fall.


Angry Mob Games


Angry Mob Games



Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S

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