CrytivoAjo- ja lentopelitUrheilupelitSimulaatiopelit
29,99 €+
Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S -konsoleille
Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S -konsoleille
11 tuettua kieltä
Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S -konsoleille
Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S -konsoleille
11 tuettua kieltä
Yli 16-vuotiaille
Voimakasta väkivaltaa, Vahva kieli

Pelin sisäiset ostokset

+Tarjoaa sovelluskohtaisia ostoksia.


The game contains the following DLCs: Legendary Cars, Luxury Life, Steel Wheels, Esport Rally Welcome to the festival of explosive races, TRAIL OUT! You're in for a mad race in different parts of the world, your main goal is to live to the finish line and take the main cup of the festival! Exploding cars, flying and screaming drivers, the hype from the fans, and unseen destruction around the entire track - it's all waiting for you here! Relive the story of racer Mihalych, a simple story where you'll try to take the main cup of the festival by defeating all the bosses in unique battles. You are expected: Up to 50 cars in different classes, different eras, and different conditions 50 different tracks, from big-city tracks with lots of destruction, derby arenas and to dangerous tracks The game contains the following DLC's: Legendary Cars Luxary Life Steel Wheels Hunt 007 Special




Good Boys



Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Paikallinen Xbox -moninpeli (2-4)
  • 4K Ultra HD
  • Yksi pelaaja
  • Jaettu näyttö
  • 60fps+
  • Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S:lle
  • Xbox -saavutukset
  • Xbox -pilvitallennukset

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