Ticket to Ride®: San Francisco City Expansion

Ticket to Ride®: San Francisco City Expansion

Marmalade Game Studio Ltd.Kortti- ja lautapelitStrategiapelitSimulaatiopelit
7,99 €
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Yli 3-vuotiaille

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Howdy! How’s it hanging? What’s shakin’? Travel back in time and explore San Francisco in the Sixties as this fan-favourite expansion gets the digital treatment for the first time! By rail or road, take in the city sights and gather Souvenirs from your trip as you go. Meet fashion designer Summer Ashbury and silver-screen icon Felix Woods as you embark on the ultimate city break. Plus, to celebrate San Francisco coming to the video game version of Ticket to Ride for the first time, we’re giving away a free bonus token to every player – with or without the San Francisco City Expansion! INCLUDES: TWO NEW CHARACTERS – Seek out inspiration with fashion designer Summer Ashbury or enjoy a life of luxury with movie star Felix Woods. MULTIPLE NEW VEHICLES – Travel by rail or by road! This expansion introduces trams and cars to your usual line-up of trains and carriages. SOUVENIRS – Make sure to pick up those trinkets as you travel the city! The more Souvenirs you pick up, the more points you’ll earn at the end of the game. The city break of your dreams awaits!


Marmalade Game Studio Ltd.


Marmalade Game Studio Ltd.



Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S

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