The Game of Life 2 - Age of Giants World

The Game of Life 2 - Age of Giants World

Marmalade Game StudioKortti- ja lautapelitKlassikotPerhe- ja lastenpelitSimulaatiopelit
5,99 €
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Yli 3-vuotiaille

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Step into the Age of Giants world! Experience a fantasy prehistoric land where pegs and dinosaurs are the best of friends. Evolve as you live, from the Coastal Caves, through the Jurassic Jungle, all the way to Stone Town - the first peg city! Dress up in the saber tooth onesie, or become a Caveman or a Gatherer. Qualify as a Dino Dentist, a Raptor Postman, a Cave Drawing Artist and so much more! The decisions are yours every step of the way! Join your friends and family on the journey of your dinosaur-loving life!


Marmalade Game Studio


Marmalade Game Studio



Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S

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