Sniper Elite 5: Kraken Awakes Mission And Weapon Pack

Sniper Elite 5: Kraken Awakes Mission And Weapon Pack

RebellionToiminta ja seikkailuAmmuntapelitSimulaatiopelit
10,99 €
Edellyttää peliä
Edellyttää peliä
Yli 16-vuotiaille
Voimakasta väkivaltaa

Tämä sisältö vaatii pelin (myydään erikseen).

Konsolin verkkomoninpeli edellyttää Xbox Game Pass Ultimatea tai Xbox Game Pass Corea (myydään erikseen).


The final content drop for Season Pass Two delivers an incredible new mission called Kraken Awakes that brings the story of Sniper Elite 5 to a close. Shocking new Intel suggests that Project Kraken is still very much alive, and parts are being shipped to a military dock. It’s now down to you to put an end to Kraken once and for all. Based around an advanced aircraft carrier that is currently under construction, Karl will have to infiltrate the carrier under the cover of darkness, to stop its deployment as well as putting an end to Friedrich Vogel, who is now spearheading the project. You will also receive the Mod.712 pistol as part of the pack. A variant of the C96 pistol, the Mod.712 features detachable magazines and an incredibly high automatic fire rate making it hard to control, but deadly at close range. Finally, you can also celebrate all things American with a new Patriot skin for all your weapons and an American Airborne character skin for Karl. This pack contains: • Kraken Awakes Mission • Mod.712 pistol • Patriot Weapon Skin • American Airborne Character Skin (Karl)







Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC


  • Verkkoyhteistyöpeli
  • Verkkomoninpeli

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