Sniper Elite 5: Concealed Target Weapon And Skin Pack

Sniper Elite 5: Concealed Target Weapon And Skin Pack

RebellionToiminta ja seikkailuAmmuntapelit
9,99 €
Edellyttää peliä
Edellyttää peliä
Yli 16-vuotiaille
Voimakasta väkivaltaa

Tämä sisältö vaatii pelin (myydään erikseen).

Konsolin verkkomoninpeli edellyttää Xbox Game Pass Ultimatea tai Xbox Game Pass Corea (myydään erikseen).


Hunt the enemy and strike from the shadows with an expanded cache of camouflage gear and a stealthy pistol at your side. Equip the HS.22 for a covert sidearm to aid your mission objectives. This .22 calibre pistol features an integral suppressor making it practically silent. With almost no recoil, this pistol can deliver quick fire rounds that make it perfect for keeping close-range combat under the radar. Take stealth to the next level as you conceal yourself and your weapons with the Pea Dot Camo Weapon Skin and Ghillie Suit Elite Character Skin. This WW2 camouflage is designed to break up the visual silhouette of its wearer to blend in with its natural surroundings. This pack includes: • HS.22 – Weapon Pack (Pistol + Attachments; 3x Magazines, 3x Barrels) • Pea Dot Camo Skin – Weapon Skin • Ghillie Suit Elite - Character Skin (Karl and Monika Variants)







Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC


  • Verkkoyhteistyöpeli
  • Verkkomoninpeli

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