Paradise Killer

Paradise Killer

Fellow TravellerToiminta ja seikkailuOngelmanratkaisu- ja tietopelit
19,99 €
Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S -konsoleille
Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S -konsoleille
Smart Delivery
Smart Delivery
Xbox Play Anywhere
8 helppokäyttötoimintojen ominaisuutta
4 tuettua kieltä
Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S -konsoleille
Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S -konsoleille
Smart Delivery
Smart Delivery
Xbox Play Anywhere
8 helppokäyttötoimintojen ominaisuutta
4 tuettua kieltä
Yli 16-vuotiaille
Vahva kieli


An island outside of reality. A rogue human civilization hoping to resurrect dead alien gods. A murder behind locked doors. Paradise is an island that regenerates every few millennia. The psychic power that the alien worshipers within release into the universe is meant to feed and eventually resurrect their fallen deities. But this force also attracts undesired interest from demons, who eventually corrupt each island — until a new alternate reality is birthed by the Council. The system isn’t perfect, but it will be one day — on Perfect 25, the next island-to-be. But on the eve of rebirth, the Council is murdered and Paradise is killed. In the aftermath, the “investigation freak” Lady Love Dies is summoned from exile to find the culprit. This is the crime to end all crimes. What are the facts? What are the truths? Are they the same? PARADISE ENHANCED FOR SERIES X/S Paradise Killer arrives ready for next-gen with a full complement of features and enhancements, including 4K60 with ray tracing (Series X) and 4K60 (Series S, Xbox One), Xbox Smart Delivery, super fast loading and more. Paradise Killer also offers a suite of accessibility options that allow you to tailor the game to suit your needs.


Fellow Traveller


Kaizen Game Works



Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC


  • 4K Ultra HD
  • Yksi pelaaja
  • Muuttuva virkistystaajuus
  • Säteenseuranta
  • Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S:lle
  • Älykäs toimitus
  • PC:n ristiohjain
  • pilvipalvelu käytössä
  • Xbox -saavutukset
  • Xbox -tilatiedot
  • Xbox -klubit
  • Xbox -pilvitallennukset
  • Xbox Play Anywhere