Music Racer: Ultimate

Music Racer: Ultimate

Sometimes YouKlassikotPerhe- ja lastenpelitMusiikkiMuuOngelmanratkaisu- ja tietopelitAjo- ja lentopelit
6,99 €
11 tuettua kieltä
11 tuettua kieltä
Yli 16-vuotiaille
Vahva kieli


Now you can race your own music! Music Racer is the dynamic rhythm game loved by millions of players around the world. The new "Ultimate" version allows you to use your own music in the game via a WebDAV server (from a computer or smartphone), as well as play to music published on the Audius service. Rush along futuristic, neon tracks. Gather beats, catch the rhythm. The racetrack is created in real time based on the game's music tracks. The speed and mood of each run are determined by the compositions chosen. Obstacles and awards are generated from the music. Get into the rhythm and collect as many points as possible. Features: - 14 levels - 25 cars with the ability to customize them - Beautiful neon, Retrowave style graphics - 4 game modes - Music library


Sometimes You


AbstractArt, Light Road Games



Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • 4K Ultra HD
  • Yksi pelaaja
  • Xbox One X Enhanced
  • Xbox -saavutukset
  • Xbox -tilatiedot
  • Xbox -pilvitallennukset