Grim Idle (Xbox One)

Grim Idle (Xbox One)

Desert Water GamesRoolipelitToiminta ja seikkailuKortti- ja lautapelit
2 tuettua kieltä
2 tuettua kieltä
Yli 12-vuotiaille
Keskitasoinen väkivalta

Pelin sisäiset ostot (mukaan lukien satunnaiset kohteet)

+Tarjoaa sovelluskohtaisia ostoksia.


Grim Idle is an idle RPG where the player explores shards of destroyed worlds and fights various enemies. Inspired by old-school dark fantasy RPGs, the game features complex character development, many unique items, and both active and passive playstyles. Features: Skills: Deep skill tree with various skills and spells. Inventory Management: Enhance, enchant, disassemble, and create new weapons. Ritual: If your current combination no longer works, perform a ritual to start over. Each time, you will emerge stronger! Idler: The character is immortal, allowing you to let him fight autonomously while you manage the overall strategy. Alternatively, if you prefer a hands-on approach, devise your own strategy and assist the hero in his quest for knowledge. Chests: Unlock chests containing various weapons, crafting materials, potions, pets, and more—everything the ancient crafters left behind to support you in your journey. Cosmic Scale: The further you progress through the game, the more possibilities you have. Exploring: Look for the remains of ancient civilizations, travel through the desecrated shards, and find allies!


Desert Water Games


EvilCharm Games



Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Yksi pelaaja
  • Xbox -saavutukset
  • Xbox -pilvitallennukset