Fae Farm: Coasts of Croakia

Fae Farm: Coasts of Croakia

Phoenix LabsToiminta ja seikkailuRoolipelitSimulaatiopelit
7,99 €
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Edellyttää peliä
Yli 7-vuotiaille
Lievä väkivalta

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Fae Farm: Coasts of Croakia lets you explore new islands, meet new characters, master new skills and get critters to become your best allies in your quest to bring back peace to Azoria. A whole new realm is waiting for you: Explore these highly protected yet endearing lands, where a luxuriant, tropical nature makes for a very different, yet still cozy place and the home of an ever greater discovery. With the help of a new magical croaking friend, find your way to the Archi-pal-igo Park, a sanctuary for critters of all kinds. Meet their caretaker and learn new skills to befriend them and bring them along in your adventure in Azoria!


Phoenix Labs


Phoenix Labs



Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC

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