Defend the Rook

Defend the Rook

Klabater Kortti- ja lautapelitStrategiapelit
14,99 €+
8 tuettua kieltä
8 tuettua kieltä
Yli 7-vuotiaille
Lievä väkivalta

+Tarjoaa sovelluskohtaisia ostoksia.


A roguelike tactics board combat combined with tower defense elements. Defeat the invading hordes to stay alive and save the land! Deploy your heroes to outsmart the enemy! Enjoy more tactics than your average TD game, whilst fighting through waves of enemies. Turn the tables on the invaders with the aid of devastating spells! Overcome the odds and outsmart the enemy. Build and upgrade your towers to survive the onslaught! To survive you'll need to utilize more than just your heroes wit and prowess! Careful placement of towers and upgrades will be necessary to ensure victory. Place traps and barricades to defend your castle! Use these wisely to funnel and confuse the invaders. Wreak havoc amongst their ranks and break up their carefully manicured ranks! Become a champion to save the kingdom! Do you have what it takes to save the land? Jump right in and enjoy a set of procedurally generated roguelike turn-based battles like no other! Every battle fought is unique.




One Up Plus



Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Yksi pelaaja
  • Xbox -saavutukset
  • Xbox -tilatiedot
  • Xbox -pilvitallennukset

Vertaile versioita

  1. Defend the Rook

    Defend the Rook

    14,99 €+
    kuvaus ei ole käytettävissä

    Defend the Rook

    14,99 €+

  2. Defend the Rook - Supporter Edition

    Defend the Rook - Supporter Edition

    19,99 €+
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    Defend the Rook - Supporter Edition

    19,99 €+

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    Defend the Rook

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    Defend the Rook - Supporter Pack
  3. Fantasy Defenders Bundle: Defend the Rook & Legend of Keepers

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    Fantasy Defenders Bundle: Defend the Rook & Legend of Keepers

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  4. Fantasy Defenders Complete Bundle: Defend the Rook & Legend of Keepers

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    Fantasy Defenders Complete Bundle: Defend the Rook & Legend of Keepers

    44,99 €+

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