Bunny Parking

Bunny Parking

DillyFrameGamesOngelmanratkaisu- ja tietopelitPerhe- ja lastenpelit
5,99 €
8 tuettua kieltä
8 tuettua kieltä

Konsolin verkkomoninpeli edellyttää Xbox Game Pass Ultimatea tai Xbox Game Pass Corea (myydään erikseen).


The city, surrounded by the Great Carrot Wall, is only rumored about it. Some cars that dared to drive through it are stuck forever in the parking lot. And then the residents of the city come to the rescue - Bunnies. Play alone or with friends in cooperative mode, helping the car get out of the parking lot, remove badly parked cars which blocks your way. To move the car you will have to kick it. Become a great savior! Entertainment: In the city, apart from you, the parking bunny, there also live other bunnies: bunny-gardeners, bunny-shamans.The task of gardeners is to protect the carrot fields, and the shamans - to support the portals of entry and exit with the help of carrots. Get carrots, donate it to the shaman and get a temporary buff Explore the environment to find more secrets. Play in the playground for fun together with your friend: football, trampoline, seasaw





Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Yhteispeli verkossa (2-4)
  • Moninpeli verkossa (2-4)
  • Yksi pelaaja
  • Xbox -saavutukset
  • Xbox -tilatiedot
  • Xbox -pilvitallennukset

Vertaile versioita

  1. Bunny Parking

    Bunny Parking

    5,99 €
    kuvaus ei ole käytettävissä

    Bunny Parking

    5,99 €

  2. Bunny Bundle

    Bunny Bundle

    9,99 €
    kuvaus ei ole käytettävissä

    Bunny Bundle

    9,99 €

    Sisältää pelit

    Bunny ParkingSokoBunny

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