Bio Inc. Redemption + Crossroads Inn - Doctors and Bartenders Bundle

Bio Inc. Redemption + Crossroads Inn - Doctors and Bartenders Bundle

37,99 €
5 tuettua kieltä
5 tuettua kieltä
Yli 18-vuotiaille
Simuloitua uhkapeliä


Crossroads Inn is a real-time management sim with role-playing games elements. The game consists of two unique modes offering totally different experiences. In Sandbox mode gamers will focus solely on managing their business and economy – to build their very own tavern, hire and oversee staff, manage the supply chains and create new dish recipes. In Campaign mode, micromanagement is just a prelude to a rich story as the kingdom is in turmoil and a shift of power is expected. Your Inn will soon attract the attention of important political and military figures, who are desperately trying to hold on to the reins of power. Gamers will become part of a large-scale drama full of political intrigues, vivid characters, treacherous NPC’s and dangerous quests inspired by RPG games – You will even have a damsel in distress to save! Bio Inc.: Redemption is a complex biomedical simulator in which you make life or death decisions. Create the ultimate illness to infect and torment your victim or play as the head of a medical team and hopefully find a cure to save your patient. Will you be the plague or preserve humanity? Including over 600 actual diseases, viruses, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatments and other medical conditions, Bio Inc.: Redemption is frighteningly realistic. It will captivate you for hours, bringing you into a microscopic world of epic plague proportions!




DryGin Studios / Klabater



Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Yksi pelaaja

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