Beyond Hanwell

Beyond Hanwell

Steel Arts Software LtdAmmuntapelitToiminta ja seikkailuMuu
29,99 €
Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S -konsoleille
Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S -konsoleille
1 tuettua kieltä
Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S -konsoleille
Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S -konsoleille
1 tuettua kieltä
Yli 18-vuotiaille
Äärimmäistä väkivaltaa


Step back into Hanwell and discover the world beyond it. Set in the deeper parts of London, explore Westminster and uncover the truth about yourself. Explore a rich, atmospheric take on Westminster and it's various Locations. Filled with lore and secrets to discover. All new dual control melee combat system, land each hit and combo with satisfying intensity. Scavenge scarce but available weapons and ammo with new shooting mechanics. Use the environment in creative ways to take out the Anomolies. Set them on fire, electrocute them, crush them and more in frantic efforts to survive. Follow the story in your own way, non linear open gameplay makes for a unique experience. Immersive. All player feedback is displayed in game, with no HUD whatsoever to keep the player immersed and the tension high.


Steel Arts Software Ltd


Steel Arts Software Ltd



Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox Series X|S


  • 4K Ultra HD
  • Yksi pelaaja
  • 60fps+
  • Tilaääni
  • Optimoitu Xbox Series X|S:lle
  • Xbox -saavutukset
  • Xbox -pilvitallennukset