Battlestar Galactica Deadlock™ Armistice

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock™ Armistice

Slitherine Ltd.SimulaatiopelitStrategiapelit
9,99 €
Edellyttää peliä
Edellyttää peliä
Yli 12-vuotiaille
Huono kielenkäyttö

Tämä sisältö vaatii pelin (myydään erikseen).

Konsolin verkkomoninpeli edellyttää Xbox Game Pass Ultimatea tai Xbox Game Pass Corea (myydään erikseen).


Following the Ghost Fleet Offensive, the Cylons are losing their iron grip on the war. But when whispers of a new super weapon reach the Colonial Fleet, BSG-75 embarks on a race against time to uncover the Cylon secret, and prevent the annihilation of the human race... The Final Chapter Armistice is an explosive 8-mission story campaign that brings Season Two of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock to a thrilling conclusion! Unravel Clothos’ plot for dominion, and take part in the legendary Operation Raptor Talon. New Resource Mission Nine resource missions available for you to challenge in any Season Two story campaign. New Music Three epic musical pieces from award-winning composer Ash Gibson Greig that bring the world of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock to life.


Slitherine Ltd.


Black Lab Games



Pelaa käyttäen:

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Verkkoyhteistyöpeli
  • Verkkomoninpeli