Total War: WARHAMMER III – Omens of Destruction

Total War: WARHAMMER III – Omens of Destruction

₹ 1,721.25
Requires a game
Requires a game
For ages 16 and up
Strong Violence

This content requires a game (sold separately).


Embark on campaigns of hero-slaying, mercenary conflict, and brutal tactics in the OMENS OF DESTRUCTION DLC for Total War: WARHAMMER III. Introducing three hellraising Legendary Lords for Khorne, Orcs & Goblins and the Ogre Kingdoms, as well as a host of new battle units, gameplay features, and objectives to be experienced in the immense Immortal Empires campaign. SKULLTAKER, THE HERO SLAYER (KHORNE) Khorne’s immortal champion and the greatest of all Bloodletters, Skulltaker is ever seeking worthy skulls for his master. Scanning the battlefield for the enemy’s greatest champion, he bellows his challenge before moving in to end yet another storied life. Campaign Feature: ● Cloak of Skulls: Skulltaker must seek-out and defeat powerful enemy lords across the heroic pantheon of the Warhammer World. With each skull added to his cloak, powerful new abilities and traits can be earned and upgraded. Battle Playstyle: ● A force of daemonic destruction, Skulltaker excels at hunting down and duelling enemy lords before cleaving through ranks of troops with his two-handed Slayer Sword. His Cloak of Skulls passive ability grants increasing spell resistance and ward saves the more he kills. New Characters & Units: ● Skarr Bloodwrath, Scyla Anfingrimm, Bloodspeaker, Slaughterbrute, Skullreapers, Bloodbeast, Wrathmongers, and Khorngors. GORBAD IRONCLAW, THE BRUTAL TACTICIAN (ORCS & GOBLINS) One of the most infamous of all Orc Warbosses, Gorbad Ironclaw knows but one language and that is war. Unique amongst his race due to his rare mix of brain and brawn, he has become an inspiration amongst his kind for ""invasions done propa"". Campaign Feature: ● Da’ Plan: A tenacious tactician, Gorbad must experiment with unique battle strategies for his armies to employ, granting a deadly mixture of exotic battle bonuses and army compositions that can overcome any challengers. Battle Playstyle: ● Riding into battle atop his fierce Warboar, Gnarla, Gorbad penetrates the enemy lines with devastating charges before engaging in close combat with his mighty axe, Morglor ‘the Mangler’. His ‘Da Great Leader’ ability which activates when troops are in his vicinity, granting increased melee attack and defence. New Characters & Units: ● Snagla Grobspit, Savage Orc Great Shaman, Night Goblin Big Boss, Black Orcs (Axe & Shield), Mangler squigs, Colossal Squig, Arachnarok (Flinger), and Bolt Throwa. GOLGFAG MANEATER, THE MERCENARY (OGRE KINGDOMS) One of the most successful Ogre mercenaries of all time, Golgfag Maneater forged a reputation for the Ogres as fearsome killers for hire long before they became a relatively common sight in the mercenary armies around the world. Campaign Feature: ● Mercenary Contracts: Ever keen to lace his pocket with gold, Golgfag helps clients throughout the WARHAMMER World settle their warring disputes by taking on all wars they’re involved in and conducting hostile actions against their enemies for handsome rewards. Playstyle: ● An anti-infantry blender, Golgfag tears through hordes of infantry with the aid of barbaric weaponry. His globe-trotting nature also gives him access to a variety of exotic abilities such as Dead Eye which allows him to take a powerful shot from his pistol causing huge damage. New Characters & Units: ● Bragg the Gutsman, Ogre Paymaster, Bruiser, Golgfag’s Maneaters, Pigback Riders, Blood Vultures, Yhetees and Thundertusks. New Content Overview: ● 3 Legendary Lords ● 4 Legendary Heroes ● 5 Lords & Heroes ● 15 Battle Units ● 9 Regiments of Renown ● New Gameplay Mechanics and Features

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Creative Assembly

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