Hunt: Showdown 1896 - Lonely Howl

Hunt: Showdown 1896 - Lonely Howl

Crytek Shooter
Requires a game
Requires a game
For ages 15 and over
Strong Violence, Horror Violence

Users Interact, In-Game Purchases

Online Interactivity

This content requires a game (sold separately).

Game requires online multiplayer subscription to play on console (Game Pass Core or Ultimate, sold separately).


This DLC contains one Hunter, two Weapons, and one Tool: - Lonely Howl (Hunter) - Ripper (Pax Claw) - Stalker's Snarl (Hunting Bow) - Rawhide (Dusters) Beasts skinned to flesh and bone, the stench of boiling innards, and the rusty smell of blood dripping from the veins cut clean were the first images burned into Leonel Frisk’s young mind, and they awoke something terrible in him: An unnatural affinity for violence. Son to revered wolf hunters in Kansas, he watched his mother and father stalk, hunt, and gut the beasts in front of his infant eyes. With each prey brought to the slaughterhouse they called home, the red haze grew and clouded his mind with sanguine dreams. When he held his first small game in crimson hands under the silvery light of the full moon, wolves howled as if to celebrate his rite of passage, unaware of the unholy bloodthirst burning in his heart, and ignorant of the bloodshed he’d bring upon them. It was the wolves – not his father – who taught Frisk how to hunt. Envious of their savage nature and hunting prowess, Frisk wanted to prove his worth by taking down the alpha wolf with the Caldwell Pax his father gave him. Successful, he adorned himself with the alpha’s skin, and his Caldwell with the fang ripped bloody from its maw and tried to stab his own father in the heart. He would become the mightiest predator in his territory. But in spite of besting the forest’s alpha, he could not best his father, and so Frisk disappeared in the night, taking only his father’s Caldwell and a Hunting Bow. His bloodlust led him to Louisiana, where he continued hunting, ignorant of the shadows tracking his every move; shadows Hunters in the Bayou would later come to know as Dire Wolf and Luna Wolf; shadows he had once called mother and father. Like a lone wolf, he listened to his instincts and left one pack for another, forgetting his human nature and his father’s words: “A wolf that leaves its pack becomes a threat.

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Play with

  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Online co-op
  • Online multiplayer