Isonzo: Ultimate Edition

Isonzo: Ultimate Edition

BlackMill GamesΠαιχνίδια βολών
1 Δυνατότητες προσβασιμότητας
1 Δυνατότητες προσβασιμότητας
Για ηλικίες από 18 ετών και άνω

+Προσφέρει αγορές εντός εφαρμογής.

Το online παιχνίδι με πολλούς παίκτες σε κονσόλα απαιτεί Xbox Game Pass Ultimate ή Xbox Game Pass Core (πωλείται ξεχωριστά).


The Isonzo Ultimate Edition includes a huge array of visual customization options. Prepare for Winter with the ‘Alpine Units’ pack, containing new winter uniforms for each class. The Italians get snow camouflage uniforms while the Austro-Hungarians get thick greatcoat uniforms. It comes with five warm mustaches and beards along with three facial items The ‘Veteran Units’ pack contains battle-scarred uniforms for each class. The Italians get the hardened Sardinian "Sassari" uniforms, while the Austro-Hungarians get a Hungarian Honved uniform alongside veteran trench fighters including the Sturmtruppe Hauptmann. This pack comes with five iconic mustaches and four facial items. The ‘Reserve Units’ pack contains rear-line uniforms for each class. The Italian uniforms include the infamous "Carabinieri Reali" police units and their archaic hats, while the Austro-Hungarians get the venerable "Standschützen". The pack comes with four elegant mustaches and four facial items. The ‘Elite Units’ pack contains new historic uniforms for each class. The Italian uniforms include Bersaglieri Cyclists and Arditi troops, while the Austro-Hungarian uniforms include the feared Bosnian troops. Additionally the pack contains five iconic mustaches and three facial items. The 'Royal Units' pack contains a set of uniforms used by Württemberger and Bavarian units. It comes with 5 moustaches and 3 Facial Items! The ‘Expedition Units’ pack expands the German faction with a set of winter themed uniforms and accessories, plus a set of battle hardened elite troops. It contains two sets of uniforms for all classes, plus a wealth of headgear options. The ‘Glacial Units’ pack contains a set of improvised winter uniforms for Italy and Austria-Hungary. It contains a set of uniforms for all classes, plus headgear and facial items. The ‘Altitude Units’ pack contains clothing for the extreme cold of high altitude Alpine Warfare. There are fur lined coats, thick boots, unique jackets, and dedicated ski uniforms, along with headgear variants, mustaches, goggles, pipes, and new faces. The ‘Shellshocked Units’ pack contains battleworn uniforms and items. It includes torn and patched up clothing, ersatz equipment, stripped down uniforms with only the essentials, and bloodied faces with hastily bandaged wounds.

Δημοσιεύτηκε από

BlackMill Games

Αναπτύχθηκε από

BlackMill Games

Ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας


Με δυνατότητα αναπαραγωγής σε

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


  • Πολλοί παίκτες online (2-40)
  • Ένας παίκτης

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