Ground Vehicle Shortcut

Ground Vehicle Shortcut

Electronic ArtsΠαιχνίδια βολών
Απαιτεί ένα παιχνίδι
Απαιτεί ένα παιχνίδι
Για ηλικίες από 16 ετών και άνω
Άσχημη γλώσσα, Βία

Αυτό το περιεχόμενο απαιτεί ένα παιχνίδι (πωλείται ξεχωριστά).


This bundle immediately unlocks all 35 upgrades for the tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and anti-air vehicles in Battlefield 3. These items are normally unlocked by earning experience while using these vehicles in the game.TANK UNLOCKS:IR SmokeCoaxial Light Machine GunAutoloaderZoom OpticsPreventative MaintenanceCoaxial Heavy Machine GunProximity ScanGuided ShellsThermal OpticsThermal CamoCanister ShellReactive ArmorCITV StationIFV UNLOCKS:IR SmokeGuided Air to Ground Missile LauncherBelt SpeedCoaxial Light Machine GunThermal OpticsProximity ScanZoom OpticsPreventative MaintenanceAPFSDS-T Armor-piercing ShellsThermal CamoGuided Anti-tank MissilesReactive ArmorANTI-AIR VEHICLE UNLOCKS:IR SmokeAA Missile LauncherBelt SpeedZoom OpticsProximity ScanThermal OpticsAir RadarPreventative MaintenanceThermal CamoReactive Armor

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Electronic Arts

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