Atlas Fallen - Ruin Rising Pack

Atlas Fallen - Ruin Rising Pack

Focus EntertainmentΔράση και περιπέτειαΠαιχνίδια ρόλων
3,99 €
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Το παιχνίδι απαιτεί online συνδρομή για πολλούς παίκτες για να παίξει στην κονσόλα (Game Pass Core ή Ultimate, πωλείται χωριστά)


Rise from the sand… Get The Ruin Rising Pack for Atlas Fallen to fight and explore the dangers of the unforgiving buried world with new armour dyes, a gauntlet skin, unique essence stones, an Idol, two Cosmetic Items and exclusive Co-op Signets. This pack contains: • Nyaal’s Wrath Gauntlet Skin • Essence Stones & Idol Pack: • Hindering Mine (Active Essence Stone): Leave a proximity mine behind, which damages and significantly slows foes on detonation • Timely Crystallisation (Passive Essence Stone): Your hits against slowed foes have a small chance to crystallise them. • Idol of Rancour (Idol): When you get hit, regain a small amount of the damage you deal as health for 3s. • Thelos and Nyaal Shield (Cosmetic Items for armours) • Ruin Rising Armour Dyes • Gathering Storm Signets (Co-op Signets) These items are unlocked for use in-game after going through the tutorial.

Δημοσιεύτηκε από

Focus Entertainment

Αναπτύχθηκε από

Deck13 Interactive

Ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας


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  • Xbox Series X|S


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