World of Tanks - Ready for Combat

World of Tanks - Ready for Combat

Wargaming.netStřílečkyAkční a adventury
558,35 Kč
Sleva: ušetřete 300,65 Kč, ends in 15 days
Vyžaduje hru
*v posledních 30 dnech prodáno za 859,00 Kč
Sleva: ušetřete 300,65 Kč, ends in 15 days
Vyžaduje hru
Od dvanácti let
Mírné nadávky

Interakce uživatelů, Nákupy ve hře (včetně náhodných předmětů)

Tento obsah vyžaduje určitou hru (prodávanou samostatně).


He might not need a tank to fight, but he'll make good use of any vehicle he commands. Customize the Major "Butch" Alan Commander with Skills to optimize your tank's performance! The Ready for Combat bundle also gives you Premium Time, Silver, and boosters to prepare you for the battles ahead. Included in this World of Tanks Modern Armor DLC bundle: - Major "Butch" Alan 3D Hero Commander - Premium Time – 1 Day - x8 Commander XP Boosters (10) - x3 Vehicle XP Boosters (10) - 100,000 Silver NOTE: Hero Commanders start with three open Skill slots and earn Commander XP at a +30% bonus rate.



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Hrát s

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S