Turbo Golf Racing: Space Explorer's Galactic Ball Set
Hugecalf Studios•Závodění a létání•Sport
85,00 Kč
Tento obsah vyžaduje určitou hru (prodávanou samostatně).
Go boldly where no racer has gone before, with the Space Explorer's Galactic Ball Set. This bundle includes the following balls: ● Hot Gas (Legendary Ball) ● Black Abyss (Legendary Ball) ● Globey (Epic Ball) ● Boopiter (Epic Ball) ● Big Cheese (Epic Ball) ● Blue Dot (Rare Ball) ● Red Planet (Rare Ball) After purchase, these items will appear in the Garage section of Turbo Golf Racing.
Hugecalf Studios
Hugecalf Studios
Datum vydání
18. 4. 2023
Hrát s
- Osobní počítač
- Xbox One
- Xbox Series X|S