Endless Space 2: Untold Tales

Endless Space 2: Untold Tales

Amplitude STUDIOSSimulátoryStrategie
79,00 Kč
Vyžaduje hru
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Interakce uživatelů, Nákupy z aplikací

Tento obsah vyžaduje určitou hru (prodávanou samostatně).


Through 21 Minor Factions Quests, get a deeper understanding of your people, help them overcome their daily troubles and solve strange mysteries. Get your hands on four new Minor Factions, with the notable return of the Sowers from Endless Space, and the introduction of the Sephaloros, handpicked by the community on GAMES2GETHER. The Academy has now four new individuals in its ranks for you to recruit as Heroes, each of them coming from the new Minor Factions.


Amplitude STUDIOS


Amplitude STUDIOS

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