Beat 'Em Up Archives (QUByte Classics)

QUByte InteractiveAkcija i avantura
1 Supported languages
1 Supported languages
Za osobe od 12 godina i starije
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Beat ‘Em Up Archives (QUByte Classics) is a collection of two beat ‘em up classic games: Iron Commando and Legend both released in the 90’. In Iron Commando you’ll take control of either Jake, a soldier, or Chang Li, a martial arts master, in your quest to stop G.H.O.S.T. from capturing a radioactive meteorite in a brawling action. Legend is an arcade-style side-scrolling beat 'em up game where players take control of Kaor and Igor through seven stages in total of varying thematic sets in the kingdom of Sellech, with the main objective being defeating the corrupt son of the land's king, Clovis.

Published by

QUByte Interactive

Developed by

PIKO Interactive

Release date


Play with

  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S


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  • Xbox postignuća
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